Resolutions for the New Year

This Year….I resolve....

I desire to know God like never before. Because man does not live by bread alone (Matt 4:4), I resolve that I will hunger and thirst for every word that comes from the mouth of God. I resolve that I will not only seek the words of blessing but I will earnestly seek the words of correction that teach me God’s heart.

I yearn for God’s Kingdom to come, God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt 6:10). Therefore, I resolve that I will first seek God’s Kingdom to rule in my life. I hold nothing back this year from the rule and authority of Jesus, my King.

I desire to live a life of holiness and purity before God, because without holiness no one sees God (Heb 12:14). I resolve that this year I will spend more time looking for the planks in my own life then the specks of dust in my brother’s life (Matt 7:5).

I need to know what real love is in the depths of my being. Jesus said the greatest love is to lay down your life for your friends. He said we are to love each other. (John 15:13-17). I resolve this year to love my brothers and my sisters. I resolve to lay down my needs and pick up their needs. I resolve to carry their burdens and embrace their difficulties.

I want to become more like Jesus. Jesus gave up heaven and came to earth in humility as a baby. He made himself nothing and humbled himself to die on the cross. (Phil 2:1-11). I resolve that this year, in humility, I will consider others better than myself (Phil 2:4). I will humble myself before the person who offended me and hurt me, because I consider him better than me. If Jesus humbled himself for us, who hurt and offended and despised Him, I must do likewise. It is easy to humble ourselves before Jesus our King who loves us and gave everything for us, but will we humble ourselves before the person who hates us and has despitefully used us and has hurt us? This year, I resolve to humble myself before the brother or sister who has hurt me and offended me.

I want to experience the forgiveness of Jesus like I never had before. If I forgive my brother, my Father in heaven will forgive me (Matt 6:14-15). I ask my heavenly Father to forgive me many times for my daily failures and shortcomings. This year, I resolve to go to the brother whom I have not forgiven. I will extend grace and mercy and forgive him his failure as my Father extends grace and mercy in my life and forgives my many failures.

I hunger to know this love that never fails (1 cor 13:8). I resolve that that I will pursue love above all else this year. For God so loved the world that He gave everything for us (John 3:16). I resolve that this year, I will seek to love my brother as God loves me.

Love is patient. (1 cor 13) It perseveres patiently and bravely in enduring misfortunes and troubles. It is patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others. It doesn’t run away because of hurt and pain. I resolve to love my brother and be patient with him when he hurts me and offends me.

Love is kind. It does not easily become angry. (1 cor 13) Frustration leads to hidden anger. I resolve to lay down my right to be frustrated with my brother. I resolve to embrace kindness even if I feel it is undeserved.

Love protects or covers over the faults and errors of others. (1 cor 13) No one is perfect except for God. Love sees others as God sees them. I resolve to cover and protect my brother when he sins or makes an error.

Love keeps no record of wrongs. (1 cor 13) It doesn’t add up the reasons why this will never work. It doesn’t look at past performance as an indicator of future success or failure. I resolve that for the wrongs I experienced last year, with God’s help, I will keep no record against my brother. I resolve to move forward in Love.

Love is not self-seeking. It doesn’t make demands or place conditions on someone. Love says, it’s not about me, it’s about you. (1 cor 13) I resolve that I will not place demands on my brothers, especially those who have hurt me.

Love rejoices about the truth. Love discerns past false opinions and exposes the truth. (1 cor 13) I resolve that this year, I will not listen to gossip and other peoples opinions about my brother and his faults. I resolve this year to love my brother and learn for myself who he is.

Love trusts. (1 cor 13) Love places confidence in the other. I resolve this year to extend trust, even when trust was broken.

Love perseveres. (1 cor 13) It remains, abides. It does not recede or flee. It stays under misfortunes and trials. It endures, bears bravely and calmly all ill treatments. I resolve this year that I will persevere. I will persevere in restoring broken relationships because love does not fail.

Let this year be known everywhere as the year that Love ruled and Love reigned. May God’s Kingdom of Love come and rule and reign in us this year. May this year be the year where we abandon everything for God’s Love.

Lord, I give You permission this year to do in me whatever You need to do, to bring me to the place I need to be.

May you find God's Love in this coming year.

Ingrid Hansen